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Mobile App – Call Forwarding

Call forwarding means automatically directing a call before it is answered/active.

For users with Telia Smart Connect, it is easy to forward calls via “Availability” in the Smart Connect mobile app.

  • Automatically forward all incoming calls
  • Choose for yourself whether to call on your mobile phone first
  • With an expiration time, the redirects can be canceled automatically

Forwarding options are controlled via the menu option “Availability” in Telia Smart Connect mobile app. Via “Availability” you can also get access to a number of other useful functions, such as “My Answering Service”.

Forwarding methods

You can choose from the following forwarding methods:

  • My phone
    Caller calls your phone as usual.
  • Personal voicemail
    Caller comes to your voicemail and can leave a message.
  • Main number
    Choose from the company’s registered main phone number(s).
  • Queue
    Choose from the company’s queue group(s).
  • Audio message
    Select an audio message to play for the caller before the call is terminated.
    The audio messages are recorded via web under my profile and availability.
    Read more about availability in my profile here
  • My answering service
    Choose from several options that give callers an audio message and the opportunity to dial further. Depending on if the user have voice mail service the user will have different options here.

How to get started with call forwarding

  1. From the main menu, select “Availability”.
  2. Press a status (for example, busy) to change availability.
  3. Press the information icon to add a call redirects to the status.
  4. Under Forward, select the desired recipient for calls to your phone number.
  5. Redirects that are entered under “When called” are valid when you are free, while redirects that are entered under “When busy” are valid when you are busy during a call.
  6. Return to the menu to save the redirects.

Other information

Note that an availability status is are automatically canceled and reverted back to “Free” satus when the selected availability status expires. For permanent call forwarding that applies until it is manually deactivated, use the status “Free”.

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