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Calendar Integration

Getting started

The Calendar integration currently support Microsoft 365 Exchange calendar using Microsoft Graph API. Microsoft Graph API is the gateway to do secure integrations to Microsoft 365 services and applications. The integration is simple to set up, and once completed can be enabled for all users in that Microsoft tenant that have a user in Telia Smart Connect. We have made it possible for you to easily make changes without having to contact customer service, and have full control of the integration. It is possible to set up multiple integrations if users are connected to different Microsoft tenants.

To access the step by step integration guide log into Telia Smart Connect and navigate to Integrations -> Calendar integration.

In Outlook/Exchange meeting events can be of different type/status (Free, Working Elswhere, Tentativ, Busy and Out of Office/Away), any of these meetings can also be marked with Private. With our user friendly mapping you can easily set a policy/mapping if and how these events should be synced to Telia Smart Connect. Should they be synced at all? If meeting events are synced should we display any additional information like “Title”, “Meeting location”?

Calendar integration

Private meetings

By default, the option to synchronize meetings with the status “Private” will be disabled. If you want to synchronize private meetings with title and/or location, you also need to activate it for the other meeting type. If you want to synchronize title on all but private meetings, you can just leave the title and location for private meetings checkbox unchecked.

Map calendar events to availability in Telia Smart Connect

If you want your availability and call forwarding to be controlled based on your meeting events just enable default customer setting that enable availability to automatically follow calendar event. Each of the availabilities can have a unique call forwarding setup that could include:

  • Automatic system announcement that ready out user availability and when user is available again. For example: “+46 73 331 92 51 is away and available at 14.00.
  • Custom announcement recorded by user
  • Forward to number, main number, queue etc
  • Forward to personal secretary that can present the caller with different options

Each user can individually change the follow calendar feature from my profile, more information about Availability and forwarding here.

User Guides

Here you can find user guides connected to the feature topic. If you can’t find what you are looking for here you might find it in our main user guide archive.
User Guides