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Phone Conference

The Phone Conference module in Telia Smart Connect streamlines the process of initiating and managing teleconferences. Administrators have the capability to set up phone meetings with ease directly from the main menu.

  • Quick setup from the main menu via the “Phone Conference” option.
  • Possibility to book a planned phone conference with options for title, time, and meeting owner.
  • Ability of dialed conferences to auto-call participants.

Set up a phone conference

  • Go to the main menu and select Phone Conference in the switchboard
  • Press new phone meeting
  • Enter title, select time and possibly a meeting owner
  • Click on the phone meeting under scheduled or active conferences to add and invite participants

Go to Phone Conference in the main menu, tap on “+”, New Phone Conference, and then click the meeting under active or scheduled conferences to add and invite participants.

Phone conference

Set up a dialed conference

This feature enable quick initiation of a dialed conference, that will call out to the participants to join the conference. As an administrator you can create a phone conference for appointed users that can be initiated via a number or call flow. Only administrators can configure a dialed conference.


Initiate a new dial-in conference

To create a new dialed conference, click the add button in the top right corner. Give the conference a name, and choose whether it should have a meeting owner or not.


Edit conference details

You can edit and change the name of the conference by clicking on the pen. When clicking outside the input-field changes will be auto saved.


Select meeting owner

Click to add/change meeting owner.


See meeting creator

See who created the conference.


Add external numbers

Here you can add external numbers, not a part of your company’s switchboard solution.


Add internal users

Here you add users part of your company’s switchboard solution.


View participant list

See list of all the numbers and users that are part of the dialed conference.

NB! Meeting owner and creator will not automatically be added to the conference. If the meeting owner or the creator wants to be a part of the conference, they have to be added to the list of numbers.

Connecting the conference to a main number

After the Dialed conference is created, you need to connect the conference to a main number. To do so, you go in to visual administrator, and start by dragging out the “Dialed conference” element, like you would with any other element then you connect the main number-element to the dialed conference-element, and choose what dialed conference you want to use by clicking on the drop-down menu in the element. When this is done, you save the IVR, and connect the main number you want to use for this Dialed conference.

User Guides

Here you can find user guides connected to the feature topic. If you can’t find what you are looking for here you might find it in our main user guide archive.
User Guides