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Role Administration

Role administration enables you to add or restrict access to functionality. A team leader can for example administrate queues by logging members in and out of queues. Before determining the role, you should consider:

  • Who should have access to what kind of functionality?
  • Access to functionality should be according to the company’s needs or policy.
  • Should you use the standard system roles or create customized roles?

How to get started with role admin

  • From the main menu you navigate to the Administrator page
  • Chose “Roles”

It is not possible to modify the system-defined roles:

  • Administrators
  • Team leaders
  • Users

However, it is possible to create any number of customized roles using the access levels available.

A user can only be assigned to one role, and if this role access is deleted. the default system role User will be assigned.

Add a role or modify a customized role

  1. Click the “+” icon to add a role.
  2. Type the new role a name.
  3. Select the role to copy access levels from.
  4. Select the new role.
  5. Select the “Members” dropdown menu and select “Access”.
  6. Toggle on/off any of the access levels based on what this role should have access to.
Add role

Edit roles

It is not possible to edit access to the default system roles Administrator, Team leader and User. To edit access you need to create a new custom role.

  1. Click the “+” icon, enter a name for the new role and select a role to copy. Then press “Add role” to create the new role
  2. Click on the new role in the list to expand it
  3. Click on members and select “Accesses”
  4. Toggle the on/off the role access you want for the new role
edit role

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